Friday, January 10, 2014

Snow White Cosplay

A sexy, smart, and even gun toting Snow White!

Snow White CostumeEvery girl growing up has always loved Snow White. The adventure of her leaving her home, meeting the famous (or infamous) seven dwarfs, and being rescued by her prince. No wonder this is a Disney classic! In this post we will see many different versions of our favorite Disney Princess. Not just the demure one of the movies, but the sexy and butt kicking versions of modern costume tastes.

First up is this classical interpretation of Snow White by a french cosplayer. Since 2010 she has created some beautiful visions of anime and classical characters. To see more of her work, check out her deviant art page here.

Originalrikku as Snow White 

Fantastic cosplay of Snow White by OriginalRikku
Another fantastic cosplay of Snow White by OriginalRikku

Keeping with the international appeal of this character, we have the Japanese version of the princess below.

Japanese version of Snow White 

One thing that has definitely changed is how many women want to portray Snow White as a strong character instead of the classical demure one. Even Universal Pictures jumped on that bandwagon and produced the forgettable film "Snow White and the Huntsman" starring Kristen Stewart. I don't mind the retelling of the story to have a stronger character, but the film could have been much better. It wasn't the worst film, but it deserves the 53% rating from Rotten Tomatoes. Below are some other interpretations that no movie has been made of yet.

Raychul Moore as Snow White
Raychul Moore

Snow White with a Gun
Everyone run, White has a Gun!
Some Cosplayers and those wanting a sexy Halloween costume tend to gravitate to a sexy and seductive Snow White. The type of Princess that is not G-Rated by any means! Here are two great pictures of that type of Snow White. The first sexy, and the second as seductive as she possibly be.

Sexy Snow White 

Seductive Snow White
No wonder the Stepmother wanted her dead!
I hoped you all enjoyed this post featuring our favorite Disney character (well mine, Kevin is more particular to Merida from "Brave"). If you have any cosplay that you would like featured here, or some pictures of a rockin Halloween costume you wore, please contact us!We would be more than happy to have a guest post featuring your work. Even if you want to do a whole new expose on Snow White, we wouldn't mind!

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About Me

A Nerda that loves dressing up. Into Cosplay, and favorite guessed it, Halloween!

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